Editor. Writer. Artist.

All About Books. (And Art. Books and Art.)

I started reading on my own when I was three. My favorite genres are theology and Christian fantasy. I’m lucky I get to edit books in those genres as well as reading them for fun!

I think I was also the only person in my college class who liked writing. Turns out when you have kids and you like writing, you end up writing stories for your kids! So I have a few books in progress, mostly for them, but I hope you and your kids enjoy them, too!

When I have time, I also love painting, which has led to creating bibliophile art and to illustrating some of the books I’m working on.

There’s always a project to work on! I’d love to share my journey with you! You can follow on Instagram or Pinterest, and if you like emails (just kidding, no one likes them), but if you can tolerate a rare email with a discount for an early book release or booklovers’ T-shirt sale, feel free to drop an email you check at least once a month in the box below!