
New Titles Coming Soon!

“Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.”

We all know that, right? It makes remembering the date so much easier! I told my oldest this rhyme a while ago, and two days later, he surprised me by repeating it perfectly. So I thought….

What if there were a book with rhymes just like that for the important history dates parents really want their children to memorize?

Well, there will be soon! I created a list of history dates, which I picked specifically because they were events that had a significant impact on the world. It also has a timeline showing events around the keystone event! This will work well for elementary age children to get them a good foundation in history!

Sign up for the upcoming release date!

The first 100 people to subscribe will also receive five rhymes as a preview of the book to get their kids a head start!

Are your boys obsessed with bugs?

Go ahead and skip this section if they aren’t!

My youngest is literally OBSESSED with insects. Thankfully, this doesn’t include his putting them in his pockets, but he will point out every six-and eight-legged critter that crosses his path.

Since he is also learning his ABC’s, I decided to write an ABC bug book for him. This could be read to kids from 1 year old to 6 years old. If you think that’s something you kids would like, hop on to my email list, and I’ll let you know when it’s in the publishing stage!

This one started out as a bedtime story I told to my two oldest kids.

We picked the character names together, and then I wrote it and read it to them for their approval.

It passed the test, and once I finish the illustrations, it’ll be ready to share with your kids, too! It’s written for kids ages 8-11, and if your kids like pirates, tropical islands, and rescue missions, they’ll love this!

Make sure you are on the email list to get VIP notification when it launches!